
Showing posts from November, 2021

Busting Myths and Misconceptions Regarding CBD

Medical marijuana is seen as a medication majorly because of the reputation CBD cannabinoid has acquired. Out of the two primary cannabinoids, THC and CBD, CBD gained more positive light and eventually attracted a market as an individual product with beneficial properties.  THC, on the other hand, gained more attention as a recreational product. This resulted in an inclination towards high CBD and low THC products even among medical patients holding an mmj card California . While there is no doubt that CBD has medicinal properties and is beneficial for several health conditions, there are some misconceptions about its effects and properties that need to be addressed and busted. CBD Is Medicine, THC Is Not This is one of the most common misconceptions among everyone who is aware of the presence and effects of both the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Just because THC has the potential to get the user ‘high’, does not necessarily imply that the cannabinoid is limited to just that....

CBD Helps Reduce Opioid Dependency

Over the last decade or so, there has been an uproar of medications that have come in with high amounts of opioids present in them. These medications were mostly used as a pain-relieving agent in extreme or dire situations but progress has been used for not so severe situations too. Along with that, healthcare professionals have also eased the reins in prescribing such medication to people. This has brought about the infamous opioid crisis or epidemic, call it whatever you may, it has led to a significant rise in the number of people dependent on such medication. What’s worse is that most of these people hooked on opioid-based medication are indulging elsewhere to feed their cravings.  Medical Marijuana and especially CBD have come in handy to not just reduce the rampant use of opioids, but also help people in recovering from withdrawals. Opioids are considered to be one of the most, if not the most addictive substances known to us. There is a way to procure marijuana used for medi...